Thanks for your interest in my expertise!
Archery has been a passion of mine since I was 4 years old. To me, it is the greatest sport in the world. It is truly the sport of kings! I enjoy all facets of this historic activity, especially bow hunting with my family. However, Trick Archery Demonstrations are one of my favorite pastimes!
My demonstrations are not your “typical” trick archery exhibitions. The audience is involved from the very first shot; no "golf clapping" here! My volunteers never know what I’m going to do next, which keeps the anticipation high and captures the interest of the crowd. From being shot in the backside with a Nerf ball arrow to holding flaming candles in their teeth to balloons full of flour popped over their heads, I give them an experience that they won’t soon forget!
I don’t bother trying to prove that I’m a good shot. My record speaks for itself. Instead, my demonstrations are geared towards what I call Education Thru Entertainment™. That means people busting their guts laughing while at the same time being educated about a variety of topics geared to fit your event. The Trick Archery Demo allows me to establish a rapport with my audience in a matter of an hour that would normally take months or years to accomplish. This allows me to not only entertain but to educate.
I have numerous Trick Archery Demo tailored to meet the needs of my onlookers, no matter what type of event that is being hosted! Take your event to the next level with my hilarious brand of Education Thru Entertainment™! You won’t be disappointed!